Closet elegant lady

I have already had occasion to write about things spoiling style. This time I want to tell you about things that ennoble style, make the image chic and expensive, even if not very large financial costs. Because to look expensive, not necessarily the entire lower part of the salary and savings on things from the latest collections of luxury. The whole focus style elegant lady is, perhaps, in confidence, continuing work on the style and the ability to combine classical and trends. If you have all the above qualities and never wondered why some women manage to look much more attractive in simple at first glance, even when things are not the most brilliant appearance and when you - bright and elegant, like a Christmas tree, then this topic is not for you . This topic for those who are still working on his style and trying to find the right direction for himself.
Classy lady image consists of two components: the style and beauty (to be precise - grooming).
Let's start with the style. Its fundamental characteristics - elegance, restraint, taste, quality.
Noble style - is the lack of controversial things in the locker room. Lady would never become hunt for trendy dress neon shades and even more so will not wear it. What lady will pay attention? For high-quality classics, which later healed a new life thanks to a worthy accessory. "Quality" means "good sit" and "carefully sewed," as a rule, they are made of quality fabrics: silk, cashmere or cotton. Less than polyester, the better. Ideally - to exclude it from your wardrobe.
List of must-have items:
Without further details. A simple white top - the basis of elegant style.

- Pullover or sweater cashmere.
The product is of high quality cashmere will serve you for a long time, in addition, a neutral shade (black, white, beige, gray, dark blue) would make him a lot of clothes.

- CARDIGAN OR light jacket.
Again, if you will prefer neutral shades - the number of combinations of clothes multiplied to infinity.

- CLASSIC BAG femininity.
Remember: no flashy logos and fakes! If you want to buy a Birkin, and not enough money, it is better to start on it or put off if you are not from the patient, to find a more budget and high-quality option.

- Black medium-length coat.
Well sewed perfectly sitting on a figure coat always looks elegant.

- HOURS with a simple design.
If you wear your watch, do not stint on quality product. Prefer classic watches, which will be combined with any clothes.

- Good shoes.
Invest in high-quality leather shoes and boots. Care for footwear and it will last longer than you think.

Lady should follow not only the fact that it is, but as it looks. Key words that could describe her appearance - a fresh, well-groomed, minimalism.
Everything - from the manicure / pedicure to neatly arranged strands - must say that you look fresh and extremely well.
- White teeth.
Not necessarily to whiten their unnatural shade of white. But it is necessary to bear in mind that with yellow teeth image lady does not work out successfully.

- Gently MANICURE.
No "tear-eye" colors. Ideally - no color at all, just polished nails without cuticle.

- Clean hair.
I think there is not need to explain. Freshly washed, healthy and well-groomed hair - one of the main features of the lady, and any woman to look after themselves.
- Well-groomed skin.
The skin should stay fresh and rested. In order to save a little on the trip to the beautician, you can use popular discount offer from specialized sites or monitor stocks, which are often carried out beauty.

- Make-up a la "naturel».
Your make-up should look as if you have it and do not do. Even skin tone - stylish girl's best friend. Lady will not use makeup bright colors. Try to imagine Kate Middleton Charlene Wittstock or makeup Nicki Minaj.

Photo: tumblr.com