Chanel Ready-To-Wear
In Paris, the fashion house Chanel Karl Lagerfeld presented a collection of spring-summer 2013 in the Grand Palais. Chanel once again has not changed its tradition to create new trends. Spring-summer fashion house versatile tone, permeated with freedom and full of color, which is the best to meet the expectations of warmth and mood fashionistas at this time of year. I would only wish that in the upcoming season was less "well-forgotten old" and more daring author finds so necessary for the development of new directions.
Showing decorated giant windmills, as if a giant made of paper, reminiscent of lightness and weightlessness inherent in the air and the wind - this is how he described the theme decorations Lagerfeld.
Collection pleases a variety of colors and shades: you can find outfits monochrome palette, deep-blue dress, a bright red coat, floral prints and pastel colors.
Traditionally, Chanel and attention to accessories. Designers offer jewelry made of pearls and jewelery, stylized pearl. Pearl necklaces, bracelets, hairpins complement strict dress and frivolous costumes, continuing the theme of the air and the cold glitter of sea water.
Current black dress embroidered with pearls, too, is desirable, it can be short or long. Strict complements fashionable detail: the white cuffs and collar.
And of course the show was not without memorable accessories by Chanel. Attracted the attention of the audience is very roomy bag with handles-hoops. Lightweight solar upcoming season outfits perfectly complement clutches, big hats with transparent fields, and gloves with cut fingers.
Styles of clothing are also many forms and presented in different styles: your fashionable dress can be form-fitting, long, loose, voluminous or remind hoodie. In fashion leggings, puffed sleeves, short jackets. Create an image look interesting, but an abundance of vintage pieces, I think, will like not every fashionistas.
Draws in a collection and variety of materials: light as a feather, to walk in clear weather and dense - for the first spring days.
The final part of the show in the white dresses blossomed pattern of volume and color, to the applause of delighted spectators in the Grand Palais burst into the long-awaited summer.
Showing decorated giant windmills, as if a giant made of paper, reminiscent of lightness and weightlessness inherent in the air and the wind - this is how he described the theme decorations Lagerfeld.

Collection pleases a variety of colors and shades: you can find outfits monochrome palette, deep-blue dress, a bright red coat, floral prints and pastel colors.

Traditionally, Chanel and attention to accessories. Designers offer jewelry made of pearls and jewelery, stylized pearl. Pearl necklaces, bracelets, hairpins complement strict dress and frivolous costumes, continuing the theme of the air and the cold glitter of sea water.

Current black dress embroidered with pearls, too, is desirable, it can be short or long. Strict complements fashionable detail: the white cuffs and collar.

And of course the show was not without memorable accessories by Chanel. Attracted the attention of the audience is very roomy bag with handles-hoops. Lightweight solar upcoming season outfits perfectly complement clutches, big hats with transparent fields, and gloves with cut fingers.

Styles of clothing are also many forms and presented in different styles: your fashionable dress can be form-fitting, long, loose, voluminous or remind hoodie. In fashion leggings, puffed sleeves, short jackets. Create an image look interesting, but an abundance of vintage pieces, I think, will like not every fashionistas.

Draws in a collection and variety of materials: light as a feather, to walk in clear weather and dense - for the first spring days.

The final part of the show in the white dresses blossomed pattern of volume and color, to the applause of delighted spectators in the Grand Palais burst into the long-awaited summer.