Steven Spielberg
Maitre Hollywood cinema decided that if you can not do well, it is better to do nothing, so abandoned the production of large-scale sci-fi blockbuster "Robokalipsis" on the novel by Daniel H. Wilson. Or rather, not completely abandoned, but decided to postpone the project on the shelf until better times. A spokesman for Steven Spielberg, Martin Levy told columnist Hollywood Reporter, the idea has been delayed for several reasons, chief among which are the production costs "Robokalipsisa", which shows the financial advice of the DreamWorks risky. According to Levy, that does not mean that "Robokalipsis" never will be released, but not anytime soon.
Few gave money ...
"This project is too important for Spielberg and studio to do it carelessly. The screenplay is not finalized, moreover, the production costs were higher than originally anticipated. So far we stop the project ».
Now nobody knows what will happen to the cast-list "Robokalipsisa", which is already registered Hemsvort Chris and Anne Hathaway. Most likely, at the time of the defrosting of the project (if it comes, of course), he would be irrelevant. It is a pity that "Robokalipsis" has not yet come, it would be interesting to see Hemsvorta in another action role.
Hemsvort yet still serve as the Torah

Few gave money ...
"This project is too important for Spielberg and studio to do it carelessly. The screenplay is not finalized, moreover, the production costs were higher than originally anticipated. So far we stop the project ».
Now nobody knows what will happen to the cast-list "Robokalipsisa", which is already registered Hemsvort Chris and Anne Hathaway. Most likely, at the time of the defrosting of the project (if it comes, of course), he would be irrelevant. It is a pity that "Robokalipsis" has not yet come, it would be interesting to see Hemsvorta in another action role.

Hemsvort yet still serve as the Torah