On the creation of his literary poster graphic designer from New York, Evan Robertson has inspired a love of literature, as well as quotes and sayings of famous philosophers, writers and poets. Using the wise phrase Ernest Hemngueyya, Kurt Vonnegut, Vladimir Nabokov, Poe, Jean-Paul Sartre, William Faulkner, Oscar Wilde and others, Robertson converts them to black and white posters, cleverly reflecting the spirit of the writers in a few words.
"Write drunk, edit sober" Ernest Hemingway
The idea to create the posters came to Evan on flights and travel. Famous sayings, which Roberson came across by chance, forced to reflect and take a fresh look at the ideas, views, thoughts of other people. Develop the habit to allocate the most interesting line, a graphic designer has visualized them. Today his collection of 24 posters. But he does not intend to stop, he plans to continue his series of illustrations and bring the score to 50. Evan Robertson also has a great desire to read Shakespeare and display it in their works.
"I am going insane with long intervals of horrible sanity," Edgar Allan Poe
"Have you ever heard the breath of the earth," Kate Chopin
"Civilization begins with distillation," William Faulkner
"Three hours - it's always too early or too late for all that you are going to do," Jean-Paul Cartr
"All truths are waiting for their turn," Walt Whitman
"These places have never marked on maps," Herman Melville
"Do I dare disturb the universe?", Thomas Stearns Eliot
"I am torn between despair and hope," Jane Austen
"You can not deny that we live in a wild horse," Virginia Woolf
"The idea that is not dangerous is not worthy to be called the idea", Oscar Wilde
"That's not writing, it grafomanstvo" Truman Capote
"How embarrassing to be a man," Kurt Vonnegut
"So always take the weather is too close to my heart," Jerome David Salinger
"The desire to get crazy - it is quite adequate response to the reality," Philip K. Dick
"Curiosity - is insubordination in its purest form," Vladimir Nabokov
"Write drunk, edit sober" Ernest Hemingway

The idea to create the posters came to Evan on flights and travel. Famous sayings, which Roberson came across by chance, forced to reflect and take a fresh look at the ideas, views, thoughts of other people. Develop the habit to allocate the most interesting line, a graphic designer has visualized them. Today his collection of 24 posters. But he does not intend to stop, he plans to continue his series of illustrations and bring the score to 50. Evan Robertson also has a great desire to read Shakespeare and display it in their works.
"I am going insane with long intervals of horrible sanity," Edgar Allan Poe

"Have you ever heard the breath of the earth," Kate Chopin

"Civilization begins with distillation," William Faulkner

"Three hours - it's always too early or too late for all that you are going to do," Jean-Paul Cartr

"All truths are waiting for their turn," Walt Whitman

"These places have never marked on maps," Herman Melville

"Do I dare disturb the universe?", Thomas Stearns Eliot

"I am torn between despair and hope," Jane Austen

"You can not deny that we live in a wild horse," Virginia Woolf

"The idea that is not dangerous is not worthy to be called the idea", Oscar Wilde

"That's not writing, it grafomanstvo" Truman Capote

"How embarrassing to be a man," Kurt Vonnegut

"So always take the weather is too close to my heart," Jerome David Salinger

"The desire to get crazy - it is quite adequate response to the reality," Philip K. Dick

"Curiosity - is insubordination in its purest form," Vladimir Nabokov