Bad handwriting
10th: Left-sided, mirror writing in psychology called "Handwriting Leonardo". Leonardo da Vinci wrote his notes just this hand, which makes them very difficult to decipher. 9th place: Napoleon changed his handwriting lifetime (he has has about seven). Over the years, Napoleon's handwriting became more confusing and unintelligible. By the way, Napoleon wrote a novel. It is called "Clisson and Eugene," and on his deciphering specialists also had to sweat. 8th place: Handwriting Pushkin called "shorthand." She did not admire or penmanship teacher at the Lyceum, Pushkin's contemporaries either: have the handwriting was considered simply indecent. 7th place: Small and extremely illegible handwriting was Nikolai Gumilyov. 6th place: Lermontov often changed his handwriting, but even when he tried to write smoothly and beautifully, lines are always curled up, and the letters "jumped" down, then up. In one of the books on graphology handwriting Lermontov is considered as a typical example of the handwriting of a neurotic personality. 5th place: Manuscript of Beethoven's Ninth Symphony was published only two years after it was written. The fact that Beethoven's favorite copyist had died, and his two successors with great difficulty assorted awful handwriting genius. In one place, correcting the error copyist, Beethoven wrote in a rush of feelings «du verfluchter Kerl!» («You damned fool!"). 4th place: Epistolary documents Churchill almost unreadable for those who do not have the habit of his handwriting - too small and illegible. When Churchill once said that his handwriting resembles the handwriting of Cleopatra, he came to the indescribable delight. 3rd place: read some papers of Karl Marx is very difficult, because he used to write many words together. 2nd place: Einstein wrote not only unintelligible, but very sloppy. Many of his manuscripts are blots, various spots and even Einstein's fingerprints, ink-stained. 1st place: Leo Tolstoy's handwriting was difficult to understand the confusion of symbols and additions. Dismantle it could only his wife, who had countless times to rewrite the "War and Peace." The psychiatrist Cesare Lombroso, looking at the writing of Leo Tolstoy came to the conclusion that it belongs to a woman of easy virtue with psychopathic tendencies.
Source: mirfactov.com/