at University College London examined how the IQ of adolescents aged 14 to 18 years. It was found that during this period, some teens are greatly increased intellectual ability - BBC shares the results with reference to the journal Nature. The experiment involved 33 adolescents (14 girls and 19 boys). Guys, first tested for IQ at age 14. At the same time they have to take readings of the electrical activity of different brain regions. The second time a similar procedure carried out in four years. It was found that during this time 39% of teenagers have significantly increased their verbal IQ, and 21% improved spatial imagination. In this study, for the first time reliably been shown to increase the activity of the speech areas of the brain - the engine of Cortez, is correlated with an increase in IQ. At the same time non-verbal IQ demonstrated its dependence on the activity of the front of the cerebellum. Whatever it was, one of the conclusions of scientists says that you should not too early to put an end to the intellectual abilities of the teenager if he did not have time to prove themselves early in anything. Maybe he just needs time to "ripen."
Source: scienceblog.ru/2011/12/29/podrostki-mogut-rezko-poumnet/