Dogs are able to distinguish between twins

sharp canine nose can distinguish even identical twins, what can not even DNA test - convinced the researchers, and reported it in an article in the journal PLoS ONE. Briefly about this discovery tells LiveScience. The experiment involved ten trained police sniffer Shepherd. Thus the main requirement for the animals had the ability to distinguish between good smells. The dogs were given a sniff of skin scrapings of identical and fraternal twins. Recall that identical twins develop from a single zygote, share a common placenta, the same sex and have a 100% common genotype. In fraternal twins genotype similar to the 50%. From this, it follows that distinguish DNA testing monozygotic twins is not possible. But the dogs coped with this task, and never made a mistake. Scientists came to the conclusion that the whole thing in the finest features of the odor of each of the twins.
Source: scienceblog.ru/2011/08/02/sobaki-sposobny-razlichit-bliznecov-po-zapakhu/