A chewing gum which does not stick
one of us at least once in his life tore gum from clothing, which inadvertently got? Probably such people unit. And among them are not exactly experts from the National University of Ireland in Cork, who invented the "non-stick" gum. The author of the design was a group of scientists led by Professor Elke Arendt. The main difficulty faced by the researchers was the re-establishment of consistency and flavor characteristics of the gum base. But the way out has found in other research, Ms. Arendt, where she studied cereals in which gluten is absent. These grades were found with the necessary proteins for researchers visco-elastic properties. As a result, the protein was able to bring to the desired condition by using modern technologies and additional ingredients. The great advantage, in addition to "pristavuchesti", or rather the lack of it, was the complete biodegradability of used product. This is not surprising, as in the Irish gum consists mainly of natural ingredients.
Source: scienceblog.ru/2011/11/10/poyavilas-zhevatelnaya-rezinka-kotoraya-ne-prilipaet/