Chewing gum 90
Inserts from gum gradually changed collection of icons and marks this tradition to collect shells - colorful and bright candy wrappers, neatly wrapped in a gum itself - came, in fact, with the advent of bublguma to Chita. Juicy strawberry lozenges with an indescribable flavor, sold in post offices and shops disappearing. They replaced the dignity came "real" gums - this time already had a rectangular shape, and the main feature - liners. That's what-what, and with the manufacturers clearly has paid off. Let us remember that today, looking at that, we froze, worried about and something to envy. But first things first.
Immediately after strawberry plastic, with the first "lumps" Chita simultaneously appeared so-called "arbuziki" - green, round shape, and naturally flavored watermelon. Then it was the ultimate dream of any yard kids. They were sold, including, and individually, and as a rule, the owner shared with close friends and schoolmates, neatly biting off a piece of closely supervised and views waiting for their turn rebyatni. Almost simultaneously with this miracle, there is another - from the neighboring Manchuria in Chita blocks import of Chinese chewing gums wrapped in red, yellow and boy characters, relish the inflator pink bubble. By the way, while looking at the boy, and we began to learn not ethical to inflate bubbles in appearance. The steepest were those guys who gets more. By the way, is not spoiled by an assortment of some very tricky on an invention made the children of ordinary gum color. It was necessary to take a bite rod colored pencil - yellow, orange, blue, green - as white Chinese gum in his mouth turned into an unusual lump. Again, the envy of the rest - not many people know the secret.
But this Chinese gum was a harbinger of the present boom - bublguma with inserts! The most interesting thing that first began to appear liners themselves. Who, where and when to take themselves gum - has long been known. And here, with their appearance, stamp collecting, icons, stickers matchboxes completely disappeared. We were given a real, full replacement. So, let's courses wrappers. Just specify that I will take into account only the most common brands. On rare - in the end.
The official exchange rate "currency»
"Donald," the common people "cartoon" - was the little value. The so-called "fines" - on inserts portrayed kazusnye situation that got famous Disney characters - Donald Duck, Mickey Mouse, Pluto and the other dog. Worth about chewing gum itself ruble. In addition to the inserts, in some groups of children collected themselves wrapper. They were really very little value, but they can be exchanged. Over 10 wrappers give a one-liner. Further down the hierarchy, followed by wrapping the liner from the gum "Tipi type." Its "market" price - two "cartoon." All those funny situations, divided into frames, but this time with a liner already looked at us big-nosed guy with glasses. The novelty was that this character has something to say in the footnotes
The worst for the children of "perestroika" was what he said this "big-nosed" on absolutely familiar language, from which, sometimes, the sense of lost liner. Next on the list should be "Bim Bom Bom." Until now, at the memory of bublguma, the language clearly felt a taste of juicy peach or chocolate taste absolutely disgusting. On inserts portrayed foreign cars. Gum at the rate quoted two "teepee-type" or a "Donald." Bypassing the intermediate stages, let us remember the "elite bill" - they were considered wrappers from such giants as "Turbo", "laser", "Chin-Chin". They were depicted, respectively automobiles, military equipment and players.
During the lessons, the changes in the courtyard of the house and walked everywhere povalny exchange process liners. Particularly persistent begging my parents the money saved on canteen buns and merchandised in the "lumps" chewing gum, collecting whole collections. By moving your hands and pockets wrappers lost its novelty, and from what lost value. The honor was "zero" - carefully stored, sometimes even for photos in albums or brands.
In addition to natural market relations in the form of exchange, shells could win. Who and when invented this game - remains a mystery, but all schools, from rural to urban children were playing on the wrappers. On the windowsill of one to one colored paper were placed by discarding a certain number of fingers on a "one-two-three-ho" defines who they will fold. Next liners dropped from the window, and if they found themselves a picture on the floor - it was a win. Most interesting is that there was plenty of techniques. How exactly fold the wrappers. Some tried to push as high as tossing the ceiling, the other way around. Gently push up the end of the sill, desk, chair and threw off a pile. The latter is considered cheating, and the inapplicability of this method made a reservation before the game. At school there were rumors about various personalities who constantly won. They were respected, they go for advice. There was also a different way of the game - to beat the palm of pile and turn it. However, the first option, "discount" was more common than the "palm".
It is hard to imagine, but chewing gum became the subject of the business relationship. For example, I still remember how school bullies ispinali a first grader, and so that he is not told about the incident parents and teachers to "gloss over" three "Tipi Types". The victim gladly accepted the gift and seemed completely off to him napoddavali yet - for the same cost.
Individual words can mention not very popular, but nevertheless as interesting shells from gum "Badi" (cars), "Top Gun" (weapons), "Final" (football), "Dionysus Park" (Dinosaurs). And of course the classic bublguma 90 - «Love is ...». Because of its sintementalnosti, the latest bubblegum enjoyed success with the girls, who, oddly enough, also sometimes played.
As time went on, and colorful collection inserts were replaced first labels (which can still be found in old refrigerators), and later the toys of chocolate eggs. Caps were also other pranks, but it is deposited in the minds of colorful and cute candy wrappers from chewing gum - probably because they were the first.

Immediately after strawberry plastic, with the first "lumps" Chita simultaneously appeared so-called "arbuziki" - green, round shape, and naturally flavored watermelon. Then it was the ultimate dream of any yard kids. They were sold, including, and individually, and as a rule, the owner shared with close friends and schoolmates, neatly biting off a piece of closely supervised and views waiting for their turn rebyatni. Almost simultaneously with this miracle, there is another - from the neighboring Manchuria in Chita blocks import of Chinese chewing gums wrapped in red, yellow and boy characters, relish the inflator pink bubble. By the way, while looking at the boy, and we began to learn not ethical to inflate bubbles in appearance. The steepest were those guys who gets more. By the way, is not spoiled by an assortment of some very tricky on an invention made the children of ordinary gum color. It was necessary to take a bite rod colored pencil - yellow, orange, blue, green - as white Chinese gum in his mouth turned into an unusual lump. Again, the envy of the rest - not many people know the secret.

But this Chinese gum was a harbinger of the present boom - bublguma with inserts! The most interesting thing that first began to appear liners themselves. Who, where and when to take themselves gum - has long been known. And here, with their appearance, stamp collecting, icons, stickers matchboxes completely disappeared. We were given a real, full replacement. So, let's courses wrappers. Just specify that I will take into account only the most common brands. On rare - in the end.

The official exchange rate "currency»
"Donald," the common people "cartoon" - was the little value. The so-called "fines" - on inserts portrayed kazusnye situation that got famous Disney characters - Donald Duck, Mickey Mouse, Pluto and the other dog. Worth about chewing gum itself ruble. In addition to the inserts, in some groups of children collected themselves wrapper. They were really very little value, but they can be exchanged. Over 10 wrappers give a one-liner. Further down the hierarchy, followed by wrapping the liner from the gum "Tipi type." Its "market" price - two "cartoon." All those funny situations, divided into frames, but this time with a liner already looked at us big-nosed guy with glasses. The novelty was that this character has something to say in the footnotes

The worst for the children of "perestroika" was what he said this "big-nosed" on absolutely familiar language, from which, sometimes, the sense of lost liner. Next on the list should be "Bim Bom Bom." Until now, at the memory of bublguma, the language clearly felt a taste of juicy peach or chocolate taste absolutely disgusting. On inserts portrayed foreign cars. Gum at the rate quoted two "teepee-type" or a "Donald." Bypassing the intermediate stages, let us remember the "elite bill" - they were considered wrappers from such giants as "Turbo", "laser", "Chin-Chin". They were depicted, respectively automobiles, military equipment and players.
During the lessons, the changes in the courtyard of the house and walked everywhere povalny exchange process liners. Particularly persistent begging my parents the money saved on canteen buns and merchandised in the "lumps" chewing gum, collecting whole collections. By moving your hands and pockets wrappers lost its novelty, and from what lost value. The honor was "zero" - carefully stored, sometimes even for photos in albums or brands.

In addition to natural market relations in the form of exchange, shells could win. Who and when invented this game - remains a mystery, but all schools, from rural to urban children were playing on the wrappers. On the windowsill of one to one colored paper were placed by discarding a certain number of fingers on a "one-two-three-ho" defines who they will fold. Next liners dropped from the window, and if they found themselves a picture on the floor - it was a win. Most interesting is that there was plenty of techniques. How exactly fold the wrappers. Some tried to push as high as tossing the ceiling, the other way around. Gently push up the end of the sill, desk, chair and threw off a pile. The latter is considered cheating, and the inapplicability of this method made a reservation before the game. At school there were rumors about various personalities who constantly won. They were respected, they go for advice. There was also a different way of the game - to beat the palm of pile and turn it. However, the first option, "discount" was more common than the "palm".

It is hard to imagine, but chewing gum became the subject of the business relationship. For example, I still remember how school bullies ispinali a first grader, and so that he is not told about the incident parents and teachers to "gloss over" three "Tipi Types". The victim gladly accepted the gift and seemed completely off to him napoddavali yet - for the same cost.
Individual words can mention not very popular, but nevertheless as interesting shells from gum "Badi" (cars), "Top Gun" (weapons), "Final" (football), "Dionysus Park" (Dinosaurs). And of course the classic bublguma 90 - «Love is ...». Because of its sintementalnosti, the latest bubblegum enjoyed success with the girls, who, oddly enough, also sometimes played.
As time went on, and colorful collection inserts were replaced first labels (which can still be found in old refrigerators), and later the toys of chocolate eggs. Caps were also other pranks, but it is deposited in the minds of colorful and cute candy wrappers from chewing gum - probably because they were the first.
