Fingerprints children
Not many are aware of the fact that children's finger prints fade faster than the fingerprints of adults. To answer the question, what is connected with the longevity of prints come from the Center for Synchrotron light source Brookhaven National Laboratory - reports PhysOrg, referring to the results of the research, published in the Journal of Forensic Sciences. The starting point of the research was the theory that the determining factor in the safety of the fingerprint is the number and type of skin lubricant. To test the validity of its assumptions, the researchers conducted an experiment, which was attended by six pairs of 35-45-year-old fathers and their sons (7-10 years). Scientists are twice a week for a month fingerprinted test and monitor the change with the help of non-invasive Fourier transform infrared microspectroscopy. This method allows to determine the composition of the skin particles, in particular the sebum and their distribution in the printout. Typically, in criminology studies applied cyanoacrylate smoke, magnetic filings and iodine, which do not allow this possibility. It was found that the fat in the skin of adults predominate stable lipids such as wax esters and squalene. At the same time child sebum it has a high concentration of volatile lipids - cholesterol and free fatty acids, which evaporates from the surface faster than their more stable "colleagues". See also: Adults and children swapped. Teens who used to go to bed, it is better protected from depression. The children suffer from a lack of parental attention of fans of the Internet.
Source: scienceblog.ru/2011/02/16/otpechatki-palcev-detejj-ischezayut-bystree-chem-u-vzroslykh/