Indian artist

artist from Tehran Zohreh Etezad Saltan, who was born without arms and learn to paint their feet, became the inspiration for an artist from India. Master writes his paintings - language. No, he does not keep his mouth brushes, paints and really tongue dipping it in paint. Master teaches art classes at a school in Kerala and the name of the artist Ani K. In the beginning, inspired by the artist trying to paint a picture nose, but then learned that he had appeared to these craftsmen. But he wanted to create these masterpieces, and then he tried to create their own language. After writing his first painting in a similar way Ani K began to receive a lot of very positive feedback about him began to write papers and then began to write the master so constantly. At first Anna K had health problems, nausea and headaches because of the chemicals and the smell of paint, but the artist did not stop trying to create their masterpieces, and slowly the pain and nausea passed, the master developed immunity. In his painting Ani K takes an average of 3-4 days. Who writes the master portraits of famous Indian historical figures and Hindu gods. And the last 5 months, the artist worked on the reproduction of his "Last Supper." Students extraordinary artist just delighted with the paintings and the skill of his teacher and has already asked the teacher to teach them to paint in this way. See also: Scottish sculptor creates an invisible sculpture. Giant panorama of New York from memory. Irishman Frank Buckley built a house out of 1.4 billion euros.
Source: svit24.net/culture/54-culture/16843-neobchnj-yndyjskyj-hudozhnyk-pyshet-kartyn-jazkom