Who wants to Mars? Almost for free!
Funny guys from SpaceX is preparing a program of colonization of the Red Planet. Since the company space, they decide on issues and space thoroughly and with the same space scales.
Well, there is colonization? This is not a ship with spices on a year or two to vanish to the neighbors on the system. For colonization need a fair amount of people. Specialists from SpaceX considered that the optimal number - eighty thousand. Say less - to the gene pool, they say, is bad, more - perederutsya with time. In recent years, can not believe the story of the Earth - a vivid example. However, as I understand it, the number of colonists with time can still increase. Or will govern - who knows. Resolving this issue is not yet divided. You have to understand, while the dome will be only one. On the questions of food already in full discrimination. Animals, they say, bring on Mars is difficult and expensive, so that all participants should be vegetarians. That's so. So there Martian steak or Christmas turkey taste not happen.
Well, the main change. For example, a trifle. Ticket sales started. Prices are quite affordable - five hundred thousand dollars from his nose. In view of the said desired amount of colonists is easy to calculate the approximate amount of revenue - forty billion dollars. Tickets plan to implement until 2020. In a good way.