Macaque babysitting

Japanese macaque Dzhida of American pet store took the education of two adorable kittens. Now all three of them live together with the owner of the store, Connie Tibbs, her husband, Steve, and four more monkeys. But among all these monkeys only Dzhida awakened maternal instinct, and it penetrated a particular fondness for the two furry kids. "Kittens were sufficiently small to crawl through the bars of the cage Dzhida, and one day she took the hand of one of them - says 37-year-old Tibbs. - She loves to wear them, hug and kiss on the head and take care of them ».

The mistress pet store was struck by how much monkey attached to the kittens. At first glance it may seem that the monkey's arms baby is very uncomfortable and even a little scary, but Tibbs says that in fact, they thrive in the company Dzhida. "They did not cry when she holds them, they are very quiet behave. In addition, Dzhida very gentle with them as if they were her real cubs "- she explains. See also: Mom in the animal world. The cat made friends with the fawn. In the UK, a man robbed the fox. Hungry Bear prevented the family picnic. Penguin and the man rescued dolphin. Festive table lemurs.
Source: www.newsland.ru/news/detail/id/783060/