Why do we toss and turn in my sleep?
Most of us are very often faced with problems relating to sleep. The most common problem can be regarded as insomnia, nightmares, or do a complete lack of sense element in a dream. The attitude to the phenomena of this kind in humans is ambiguous. And in vain! Man comes to the state of sleep for more than one-third of life, and for a perfect condition necessary for it to be complete and bring strength and satisfaction, and tossed in a dream. The problem of insomnia and vorochaniya dream has long been studied, it is especially relevant for people of mature and elderly. To solve this problem, people usually resort to sleeping pills. At first rescue medication, but the body bares addictive problem with poor sleep and insomnia again. The method is fraught with sleeping pills hit man in a chemical dependency on the drug, in its essence, it is comparable to the drug. Therefore there is no need to immediately grab packing sleeping pills, because the consequences of their reception will be far worse than the problem itself vorochaniya dream. In order to somehow reduce predisposition to insomnia or completely get rid of it, you should look for the main reason of its origin. British experts have considered the problem of sleep disorders. During the research, scientists have developed several recommendations to help deal with the causes of sleep disorders.
The first reason - is long vorochaniya in bed. They arise, usually because of the excessively high ambient temperature. According to medical reasons, the daily body temperature of a person is the maximum, and at night goes down to the minimum level. The most comfortable temperature for a good night's sleep is 18 degrees. The second reason - it's a dream, accompanied by talking and moving. They are a consequence of the adoption of alcohol, narcotic drugs, and obtained as a result of heredity. All these factors can cause gallyutsinatsionnye vision in a dream, and the person is unlikely to be able to understand it or not sleeping. From a man suffering from a similar disease can be expected all anything but cause harm, he can not. The third precondition vorochaniya dream can serve as fatigue, caused by chronic fatigue. Very often, drowsiness overcomes man at the height of the working day, except that fatigue may be accompanied by an increase in weight. In such cases, the mandatory visit to the doctor. Describing the causes and possible ways of dealing with different diseases sleep disorders, which are caused by external factors, do not get involved in self, as we are only trying to defeat the symptoms and not the cause of the problem. Very often a person uses a variety of approaches to the problem of sleep, but it will be better to entrust their health to doctors. See also: Creativity helps a nap. How to look at the fine after a sleepless night? How to sleep for good health? Why is so nice in the morning to stretch? Why falling asleep, we experience the sensation of falling? Seven ways to stay awake on the job.
Source: po4emu.ru/index.php?id=711