What has made the American

Born in 1898, William James Sidis American in the year and a half could read «New York Times», to eight years knew eight languages and invented another self, and at age 11 he entered the Harvard, where a year later lectured on four-dimensional bodies in the mathematical circle. His IQ was estimated at 250-300 units, although these figures may be exaggerated, because IQ test Sidis never took place. However, such an early start did not bring him fame - a bachelor's degree in 16 years, and having worked for some time teacher, he retired from public life. Simple working as an accountant and others not requiring special skill positions, Sidis devoted himself to collecting and study of transport systems, and sometimes published work in various fields of expertise: anthropology, philology, cosmology and history of the Indians.
Source: muzey-factov.ru/tag/geniuses#4716