What smells like a space
astronauts that provides access to open space, they say that these walks are invariably accompanied by the presence of a specific smell, foreign media reported. According to the astronauts, it becomes noticeable after returning to the station. They say that the smell clings to their suits, helmets, pepper and tools reminds roasts, hot metal and welding fumes. Steven Pearce, a chemist hired by NASA to study the space smell in the world for training astronauts agency explains that tinny smell could develop high-energy vibrations of ions. But the sharp smell of space, oddly enough, does not necessarily cause the astronauts disgust. NASA astronaut Donald Pettit, after returning from a mission in 2003 tells it this way: "The smell is hard to describe, it's not the same thing as, for example, to describe the range of feelings from some new dishes, say," tastes like chicken ". Better comparison that I can offer - a metal such rather pleasant, sweet tinny. "
Source: podrobnosti.ua/technologies/2012/07/25/849090.html