Long-tailed horse in the world

Linus was born in 1884 and was a descendant of the long-haired breeds Oregon wild horses that roamed freely in the mountains of Oregon. A characteristic feature of this breed chestnut color was a unique and incredibly long manes and tails. After the horses were domesticated, mane and tail length increased with each generation. Record for their length became Linus.

Owned by brothers Rutherford Marion Linus horse was a symbol of beauty of Oregon. Brother Rutherford stallion sold to the circus on wheels, where he became the main "chip" of any program. Well-groomed and well-fed Linus was featured in the magazine Scientific American:

The brochure for the show was written as follows: "During the four years of his mane and tail were increased by about 3 inches in a month, and now have reached its peak. Its color - glossy brown and gold. Hind legs and face - white mane and tail - flax-colored gentle. His "hair" continues to grow and now, but slowly. Linus proudly holds his head and is proud of the admiring glances of visitors. His mane is 14 feet long, and the tail - 12 "

Of course, mane and tail need special care. Every day, they are carefully washed and combed. In order to not leave coiled mane, it was divided into 4 parts and collected in bunches, but even in spite of such measures, it is still sputyvalas.

Linus died in 1894 at age 10, but before he produced a son named Linus II, who was said to have been as beautiful as his father. With regard to the long-haired Oregon wonderful horses - unfortunately, this breed was uteryana.

Source: lifeglobe.net/entry/2745