Student with a phenomenal memory

In view Aurelian Hayman looks like a typical average student at Durham University in the UK. However, a phenomenal memory of 20-year old boy is able to compete with any information carrier, as the young man firmly remembers almost all events in his zhizni.

Hayman is owned by 20 people from around the world that can boast the same monolithic memory. This phenomenon is called Hyperthymesia or sverhpamyat, and our hero is the sole owner of this incredible syndrome in the whole of Britain. However, he does not say that he remembers every single day of his zhizni.

Hayman admits that he began to clearly and quickly reproduce the details and events that ever happened to him, only 14 years old. "I immediately realized that I can not remember all their lives. But when I turned 14, I realized that I have obtained great to recall the smallest details are the days that have passed a few years ago, "- explains Heyman.

Professor Giuliana Mazzoni, Head of the Department of Psychology at the University of Hull, conducted with extraordinary young men a series of tests to identify the accuracy of the reconstruction of their particular events. When she asked him about what happened in a certain time period, I noticed that Hayman even remember what the weather was, someone was talking about that in the news broadcast on TV, who was eating and what was odet.

And when he offered to recall a particular day, he immediately accurately determines what it was the day of the week.
Source: drunov.ru/news/20_letniy_angliyskiy_student_obladayushchiy_fenomenalnoy_pamyatyu_kotoraya_pozvolyaet_emu_vspominat_/