Kinder Surprise facts

probably almost all our readers with "Kinder Surprise" - an egg with a surprise chocolate contained inside a plastic container with a toy or a souvenir, which are developed both in-house and guest designers. During the long years of the brand, these chocolate eggs produced by many companies worldwide.
Once we published 8 facts about Kinder Surprise, today 9 new look at the facts:

1. The entire line of products for children Ferrero is called Kinder. It is for this reason that the word «kinder» (Kinder) is an integral part of the name of chocolate eggs. But the second part of the title, the word «surprise» is translated into an analog thereof, depending on the country where it is sold. So chocolate eggs the company Ferrero in Germany called «Kinder Uberraschung», in Italy and Spain - «Kinder Sorpresa», Portugal and Brazil - «Kinder Surpresa», in Sweden and Norway - «Kinderoverraskelse», in England, - «Kinder Surprise», Well, in Russia - "Kinder Surprise» .

2. To date, "Kinder Surprise" became popular not only among children but also adults collect toys from these eggs. Collecting has become quite serious proportions. On the online auction prices for rare types of toys can exceed 1,000 euros. In February 2007, on eBay is a collection of 90 thousand. Toy was sold for 30 thousand evro.

3. In Russia, about Kinder Surprise know 93% of the population between the ages of 4 and 50 let.

4. In addition to Kinder Surprise company «Ferrero» produces candy, jelly beans, cookies, pasta, chocolate bars: Ferrero, Raffaello, Fiesta, Nutella, Duplo, Tick-Tock, etc., etc. ... 66,691,517
5. The total weight of the eggs about 35 grammov.

6. The content of dairy ingredients in Kinder Surprise - 32% (this is not the case that does not mean tasty useful) .

7. Boxes Kinder there are 3, 6, 12 and 24 yaytsa.

8. Toys Surprise created specifically for Kinder Surprise - they are unique. For the year goes on sale more than 100 different Kinder toys. Among them are plastic, metal and even wood "surprises» .

9. The very first batch of Kinder Surprise was sold in an hour!
Source: mirfactov.com/