The Indian became the oldest father
96 years Ramjit Raghav, became a father. This is his second child with wife present. His first son, Karamjit, was born two years ago in Haryana in northern India. Ramjit Raghav was awarded the title of the world's oldest father two years ago, when his first son was born. Then he was 94 goda.
When his wife Shakuntala gave birth to a healthy baby boy at a public hospital in Haryana, the doctors were at a loss, and laughed when Ramjit said that he talked with otets.Zhurnalisty Ramjit Raghav in his house, in the state of Haryana, 31 km from Delhi. Ramjit said: "What can I do? It is the desire of all the Saints. They wanted me to have another son ».
The man who has reached the age of nearly a century, explains his inexhaustible masculine energy healthy lifestyle and diet rich in fruits and dairy products. However, most of the neighbors are jealous of his sexual potential. According to Raghav, he has sex 3-4 times per noch.
Father of two children, considers that such foods as almonds, butter and milk to help him to maintain sexual activity, which may be the envy of the young men.
As the mature dad, he remained a bachelor almost all my life, until I met my wife about 10 years nazad.
Source: mirfactov.com/