Big biceps

Mustafa Ismail was in the Guinness Book of Records as the owner of the biggest forearms, biceps and triceps in the world. The size of the right biceps Ismail is 63, 5 cm, the size of the left - 64, 67 sm.

Egyptian bodybuilder arm circumference from the shoulder to the elbow is nearly 79 centimeters.

24-year-old Egyptian immigrant, Mustafa Ismail is currently living in Milford, Massachusetts, USA. He trains every day for 3 hours here 10 let.

Weekday athlete is not easy: Mustafa gets up at 4 am, trains from 5 to 8, goes to work in the afternoon eating and sleeping a little, then goes to the second rabotu.

According to the record holder, such results are also influenced by a special daily diet: protein foods 7 pounds (about 3 kilograms), 9 pounds of carbohydrates (about 4 kg) and three gallons of water (11 liters) .

The daily diet Mastafy includes 3 pounds of chicken, 1 pound of pork chops or fish, 4 cups of almonds, 2 gallons of water, 3 liters of protein kokteyley.

"I love bodybuilding, because your success in this sport is always very noticeable," - says sportsmen.

"I like the exercise until exhaustion, they learn concentration," - says sportsmen.

Meanwhile, many skeptics believe that not without implants, steroids or special products like synthol: the imbalance between the arms and other muscles Ismail catches glaza.

Mustafa Ismail began to pump their muscles, even when he lived in Alexandria, Egipte.V 2007 he moved to Massachusetts, USA, where he lives with his wife, Caroline. He works two jobs in order to, inter alia, to pay a subscription to the gym.
Source: pixanews.com/medicina-i-anomalii/samye-bolshie-bicepsy-v-mire.html