Life on the tomb owner

Argentinian Miguel Guzman (Miguel Guzman), the owner of a German Shepherd named captain, died in 2006. Immediately after his death, the dog ran away from home to the cemetery, and for six years, she refuses to leave the grave hozyaina.

On the unique case of canine loyalty to Argentine media reported. Miguel Guzman bought the dog for his son Damian, but the dog was soon acknowledged master of the Miguel. A year after the appearance of Captain Miguel he died, and when his family returned from the funeral, the dog house is not found.

Family Miguel just a week after the disappearance of the dog found the captain sitting on the grave of his master, when he went to commemorate rodstvennika.

According to them, the dog whined plaintively, if not crying and it was obvious that he committed heartbroken. Since then, he almost will not depart from the grave owner, only occasionally leaving the cemetery to stretch your legs.

- We never took him to the cemetery, widow -udivlyaetsya Miguel -perfect do not understand how the dog had found his way there. Once we found it, he went home with us, but soon turned back again and ran to the tomb. Such a strange feeling that he did not want to leave his master one night ...

According to the owner of the cemetery Bassegi Hector (Hector Baccega), dog day generally held near the tomb sometimes walks on the territory, but always goes to sleep on the grave owner. It feeds cemetery workers.

- I tried several times to take him home, 'said the son of Miguel Damian, -But he always ran back to his father's grave. I think he is going to die right there. He's so loyal that will protect the rest of his father's zhizni.

Source: mirfactov.com/