Gorilla Ambam

gorilla named Ambam, living in a zoo in the English county of Kent, has become famous on the Internet - 220-pound animal is able to walk on two legs, like cheloveku.

Phil Ridzhes working at the zoo, said that the ability to walk on two legs at Ambama laid genetically. More of his father, a gorilla named bits, used a method of movement, if he needed something to move in front lapah.

"I have a sister Ambama Tamba, and a half-sister who also sometimes stand and walk on their hind legs like cheloveku.

This is to some extent able to all gorillas, but we have never encountered such a gait and manner close to a human, like Ambama. It is in the nature reserve - a real celebrity, "- reports the words of Phil Ridzhesa MIGnews.

Zoologists claim that the bipedal monkey uses this ability in order to obtain a significant height advantage. This in turn makes it possible to observe the approach of the first gorilla zoo attendants who deal kormёzhkoy animals, reports the BBC.
Source: mirfactov.com/