15 years eating cat fur

43-year-old Lisa from Detroit for 15 years in a row have cat hair - and considers it a real delicacy! 13,292,921
Woman addicted cat has fur 15 years ago. The story of a strange gastronomic passion ladies showed American channel TLC's program "My strange habits." Lisa every day eats three balls, roll out of the hair - is more than 3200 for all 15 years. At the premiere of the new season of the show, she told: "I have addicted cat fur, and I like it a lot!".

Lisa prepares his bizarre snack collecting cat fur in the apartment, including the floor and out from under the sofa. However, it admits that she thinks tastes best wool combed directly zhivotnogo.

She licks his pitomitsy language, "how to be mother cat with her kitten." This woman emphasizes that it does not touch a cat's tongue ass or paws, which reaches into the animal cat tualet.

According to experts, the behavior of women is associated with a form of obsessive-compulsive disorder - trichotillomania, mental personality disorder. People exposed to this disease, experience pathological attraction to pull-out and eating of hair that can lead to serious problems zdorovem.

Lisa consulted a gastroenterologist. But after he told her that her hair is not going to have her stomach, the woman calmed down and a new passion devoted to their habit. Although perhaps it would be worth more to consult with a psychiatrist ...
Source: mirfactov.com/