Girl eats dizoderanty

Most people love snacking on chips, crackers or other snacks. 19-year-old girl also not averse to stay one's stomach, but for these purposes lady uses dezodoranty.

New Yorker Nicole first taste antiperspirant at age four. Since then, the American had conceived a passion for this type of hygiene products.

At first, she tried not too often arrange "flavored" lunches, but two years ago it acquired the habit of rampant - Nicole beginning to gnaw deodorants at any time, without paying attention to the amount eaten chemistry.

American always ensure that you have in the house antiperspirants and regularly replenishes its stocks at the local supermarket. Visit the Department of products for hygiene addict often enough, because in the month it orally consume at least 15 vials.

"I can not control my desire. I was trying to overcome his addiction and a few days did not eat your favorite white sticks. All this time I felt disgusting - I had a headache the whole body. From anxiety, I was going crazy, and my heart was beating so fast, as if he wanted to jump out of the chest. So I had to run for the new balloon ", - says Nicole.

The phrase "I'm going crazy" and "heart was beating so fast" sound very plausible if we remember one part of all antiperspirants - aluminum salts. These compounds adversely affect the human body, leading to depression and cardiac arrhythmias. To the negative effects of this ingredient are also salt deposits and increased risk of breast cancer.

Suffering 19-year-old girl caused concern among her friends Zakii, who insisted on consulting a doctor. Nicole agreed to consult a specialist, who told about their taste oschuscheniyah.

"They are so soft, melt in your mouth. Each has its own special deodorant, unique and individual taste. As soon as my mouth dries up, I hasten to bite off a little more appetizing by sticks, "- said a drug addict during priema.

The doctor expressed his desire to help the American putting several conditions - the girl should realize all the harm their habit and not to seek to try the contents of plastic packaging dezodorantov.

Source: fedpost.ru/lydi/41689-oni-prosto-tayut-vo-rtu-devushka-sedaet-15-dezodorantov-v.html