Days dangerous operations
In some patients, there are certain prejudices against operations on certain days. Is there a shred of logic? American researchers claim that when it comes to the weekend - yes, the logic is. Having studied the hospital records of seven thousand patients, they concluded that "the operation of the day" do not give such an encouraging result as those carried out in working dni.
Taking into account all the factors that one way or another could affect the objectivity of research, scientists have concluded that 70% operated on Saturday or Sunday complications were more frequent than in those patients who were lucky enough to agree about the operation in time. Half of the patients who had to go for an operation in the output, as a result of fighting and with postoperative infections and the risk of complications from respiratory exceeded twice the average indicators. According to statistics and wound complications at all is impressive: their risk is ten times higher than it was at the weekend! Also increases the likelihood of re-operatsii.
Doctors also warn that urgent surgery yet still need to carry out when they are needed, rather than wait until Monday, no matter what claimed stats. While the blame for appearing at the weekend complexity researchers tend to rest in a serious condition of the patient, and yet on the level of qualification and the care duty doctors ... Well, to get the job done efficiently, it really should be given to full - good professionals are always in price.
Source: scienceblog.ru/2013/03/27/issledovateli-opredelili-dni-opasnye-dlya-provedeniya-operacijj/