The baby weighed in at 500 grams

child who was born in the fourteen weeks prematurely and weighed only about 500 grams, miraculously survived and now goes to popravku.

Ethan Beard won the battle for his life after being born at 26 weeks gestation and weighed only about 500 grams. After almost three months premature mother had made an emergency caesarean section, the newborn was in the hospital.

The baby managed to gain weight and strength, and miraculously survived without any complications, which could cause premature labor.

34-year-old mother of Ethan, Sarah suffered from severe toxicity, called preeclampsia. When the disease is beginning to threaten the life of the mother, the doctors decided to do a caesarean section. After emergency childbirth Sarah weakened toxicosis, she almost died.

Now, after four months of struggle for life, Ethan finally discharged from the hospital and he went home. The baby, who now looks much healthier and weighs about three kilograms, was transferred from the neonatal resuscitation.
Source: mirfactov.com/