A little tamer

This three-year boy is a representative of the younger generation of Australian circus tamers and lions and tigers. His best friend - an African lion cub named Tsimbi which one will enter the arena of the largest circus strany.

"Stardust" - is the largest Australian circus, where the use of animals is under constant nadzorom.

This circus is traveling across the country - from tiny villages to coastal resorts. Transporting circus with many animals, including lions, monkeys, horses and ponies. Representatives of the circus insist that only use the most humane methods for training zhivotnyh.

"We train their animals by" carrot "and are considered members of our extended family," - said on the site of the circus. As you can see in these photos, to the young animals are as well as to detyam.

Tsimbi breakfast and playing with his young trainer. They trained together, and at the end of a long day at work and at rest. But how long this will continue to exist is unknown because Australia every day growing objections tsirkov.

For example, the other day 30 activists advocating for the rights of animals came to the circus in Dingley Village, Victoria. And the total number of such groups is increasing every day. Rules regarding circuses vary from state to state, most of them owners have to get permission to have zhivotnyh.

However, at the club forum on animal rights in Australia, it says that the circus "Stardust" all animals are very good. All the animals are fed and watered, and their cages cleaned and always pretty prostorny.

But small Braxton is not yet concerned. All he wants - is to follow in the footsteps of their parents. "When I grow up, I think I'll train a goat, like my dad," - he says. While his dad to train most of the animals in the circus "Stardust." And his mother speaks with ponies and trapeze.
Source: mirfactov.com/