Found images of Indians

During the restoration of the frescoes in the Vatican revealed Europe's first image of the Indians. Figures dancing naked people with feathers on their heads were found on the frescoes depicting Christ's resurrection, reports Telegraph. Image was written Renaissance painter Pinturicchio, finished the job in 1494, just two years after the discovery of America. Image adorn the walls of the residence of Pope Alexander VI (Rodrigo Borgia), famous for his debauchery povedeniem.

Image Indians found restorer Maria Pastka, clean the centuries-old layer of soot and dust. According to museum director Antonio Paolucci Vatican figures of Indians could be written on the basis of descriptions of Pinturicchio Christopher Columbus returned from his long journey. The expedition of Columbus was outfitted by Spain, but this discovery which had Spanish roots dad certainly should have known, says Professor Paolucci.
Source: zhelezyaka.com/novosti/raznoe/pervoe-izobrazhenie-indeycev-8271/