Places that can not pass Guglomobil

car is equipped with a high resolution camera, travels on the roads of the world to assemble a panorama for the project Google Street View. But the car - it's not a man, and sooner or later it reaches the point where he had to turn back. Here are some pictures of these dead ends. Jetty Island Sand Atoll Miduey.

Dead End Road "Milford Sound" in the Fiordland National Park in Southland, New Zelandiya.

Lava Kilauea volcano on the road section Chain of Craters Road, Gavayi.

The southern end of the island of Key West, the State Florida.

The road ends in a village not far from the Sunnah, Norvegiya.

Border crossings Sha Tau Kok, New Territories, Gonkong.

The road winds through the valley and ends at Melago, South Tyrol, Italiya.

Cape Agulhas - the southern tip of Africa, YUAR.

The huge busts of American presidents in the courtyard of the studio at the end of the street SculpturWorx Summer Street in Houston, Tehas.

Rocks in Cabo San Lucas at the southern part of the state of Baja California, Meksika.

Highway Lighthouse Road in Byron Bay, New South Wales, Avstraliya.

Waterpark «Ocean Park» in the Southern District Gonkonga.

Checkpoint Border Service of the United States on the road Spine Road in Prudhoe Bay, State Alyaska.

Abandoned building Buckner Building of World War II in a small port town of Whittier, Alaska, SSHA.

Double lake in the crater of a volcano on the island of Sao Miguel in the Azores archipelago, Portugaliya.

Road Henderson Road, British Columbia, Canada. On the way to the border between Canada (left) and US (right) .

CBC News videographer working on the US-Canadian border. Gladwyn Road Highway in British Columbia ends at the border. Trees in the background have been growing on the American zemle.

Kun Iam Temple on the island of Coloane, Makao.

Bust of Lenin in the Russian miner abandoned village on the Pyramid Shpitsbergene.

Beira Mar Avenue Paulista in the city - one of the easternmost point on the Atlantic coast Brazilii.

The northernmost part of Thailand. Across the river Mae Sai is Myanma.

Chilkat Mountain Range Gulf of Lynn Canal in the northern part of the city of Juneau, Alyaska.

Ubehebe volcanic crater in Death Valley National Park, California, SSHA.

The southern end of the South Island, Southland, New Zelandiya.

Nordkaphallen Visitor Center near the northern tip of Europe to the north Norvegii.

The car is in a dead end road Navy Road to the north of Inuvik, Northwest Territories, Kanada.

Source: mirfactov.com/