Baby "test-tube"
Philadelphia first child was born with the help of new technology that will increase the chances of infertile couples to have children.
Connor Levi was born on May 18 after his parents resorted to artificial insemination.
This technique is called in vitro fertilization. Egg extracted from the woman's body, artificially fertilized and placed in an incubator ("tube"). After a few days the embryo is returned to the uterus for further development.
C since 1978 appeared in vitro fertilization, were born in the world more than 5 million children. But until now, the procedure is very unreliable.
Today, every third embryo created in vitro, carries a chromosomal anomalies and deviations. This prevents the full development of the fetus.
And here comes to the aid of the new technology, which is called the Next-Generation Sequencing (next generation sequencing technology).
Parents Sheydts Marybeth Connor and David Levy used the technique of artificial insemination clinic in Philadelphia. The result was 13 embryos. These cells are sent to a British laboratory. NGS Technology showed that only three of the thirteen embryos had the correct chromosome set (although all embryos look absolutely normal). And that's one of them returned to the mother.
Experts are optimistic. It is possible that in the near future a new technology NGS at times increase the effectiveness of artificial insemination.
Source: mirfactov.com/