Medical discoveries

Now it seems to us that we have always done x-rays, we always went to the US, it is impossible to be treated without antibiotics. But these tools in medicine, not so long ago. They appeared in the middle of the twentieth century ...
In the twentieth century, medicine has begun to march forward with long strides. For example, diabetes ceased to be a deadly disease only in 1922, when two Canadian scientists opened insulin. They managed to get this hormone from the pancreas of animals.
And in 1928, the lives of millions of patients was saved thanks to the carelessness of the British scientist Alexander Fleming. He's just not washed tubes with pathogenic microbes. Upon returning home, he found mold (penicillin) in vitro. But it took another 12 years before they could get clean penicillin. Thanks to this discovery with such dangerous diseases such as pneumonia and gangrene, have ceased to be deadly, and now we have a great variety of antibiotics.
Now every schoolchild knows what DNA. But the structure of DNA was discovered just over 50 years ago, in 1953. Since then intensively began to develop a science of genetics. DNA structure discovered by two scientists: James Watson and Francis Crick. Cardboard and metal they made a model of the DNA molecule. The sensation was that the principle of the structure of DNA is the same for all living organisms, from bacteria to humans. For this discovery British scientists won the Nobel Prize.
Today, organ transplantation, we do not seem to be something out of science fiction. But the discovery that people can live with other people's bodies, was made only in 1954. American doctor proved it, transplanted kidney to her 23-year-old patient from his twin brother. In contrast to previous bad experiences, this time caught on the kidney: the patient lived with her for another 9 years. And Murray for his pioneering work in the field of organ transplantation has received in 1990 the Nobel Prize.
Following kidney transplantation followed by Murray attempts to transplant and heart. But heart surgery have long been considered very risky. Yet in 1967 were transplanted heart of a young woman who died 53-year-old patient died of heart failure. The patient then lived only 18 days, and today with the donor heart can live for many years.
Now it is impossible to visit a doctor without ultrasound. There is probably not a single person who would not have had at least once in their lives to do an ultrasound. But this is a device that allows the internal organs to diagnose disease at the earliest stages, was invented not so long ago, in 1955. And in the 70 years the device has gained the widest popularity, because it was a safe, painless and highly informative method of research. What remains to be patient and doctor! The principle of operation is simple ultrasound: the wave passes through the tissues of our body, and its echo, converted into electrical impulses, is displayed on the monitor.
In 1978, thousands of couples who can not have children, take hope. The fact is that in 1978 was born a girl, which became world. Her name was Louise Brown, and she was the first test-tube baby, that is her birth occurred outside the mother's body. British scientists in the laboratory with sperm to fertilize the egg mother, and then placed in the mother's womb. Today, thanks to the methods of artificial insemination thousands of infertile couples to have children.
Well, science is evolving and becoming a fantastic reality. Today, medicine saves many lives due to a large step, which she did in the twentieth century. Now get sick is not so dangerous as it once was. But still, be healthy and not get sick!