Finnish fisherman
Finnish fisherman caught a big pike, which is located inside the muskrat, reports Savon Sanomat. Man found rodent when opened fish belly. In the words of a fisherman, he saw the pike when fishing on Lake Koutayarvi. He saw the predator caught the victim, but decided that the pike got other fish. However, later it turned out that she swallowed muskrat swims in the pond. Pike failed to cope with the "dinner" and skonchalas.
What fisherman in the end decided to do with his devyatikilogrammovym catch, not reported. What was the length of the fish, not ukazyvaetsya.
Pike can grow up to five feet and weigh up to 35 kilograms. The larger the fish, the larger may be its prey. Particularly large instances can eat rats, squirrels, mice and birds, swimming across the pond. Pike can swallow a duck during molting, but such incidents are rare.
Source: lenta.ru/news/2013/07/11/finn/