Motorist deliberately shot down 12 people

American guards declared wanted by the driver intentionally brought down a group of people. One of the injured died in hospital, 11 people were injured. The incident occurred on Saturday evening, August 3, in an area well-known among tourists town Venus Beach, located on the coast of the US state of Kaliforniya.

About six o'clock in the evening, when the promenade was filled with vacationers, an unknown man turned his car into a crowd of people. Witnesses exclude accident happened: according to them, the driver of the black sedan deliberately ran over a rest. - When the driver drove into a crowd of people, you did not stop and continued to move deliberately, as if specially selecting casualties walk on the waterfront residents and tourists - says an eyewitness of the tragedy. - It looked very cynical. As a result of the incident 12 people were injured. Later, one of the injured died in hospital. It is reported that the deceased recently got married and spent their honeymoon in California. Four more victims are in critical condition, including a four-rebenok.

- Auto found the next day near the scene, but the driver escaped, - told representatives of the Fire Department of Los Angeles. - Later, a possible suspect was arrested. Having studied the recording CCTV cameras, the police found that the unknown for a long time watching the passers-by before you get in the car. For some time he was standing near a parked car, watching passers-by, and then got into the car and started moving.
The police establish the identity of the alleged culprit. At the scene investigators and fire protection. Quay Venus Beach is considered one of the most popular promenades in Los Angeles, both among locals and tourists alike. Every evening Venus Beach, visited by thousands of people.
Source: lifenews.ru/news/117300