Frequent use of smartphones
now almost half the population are smartphones. A few years ago a user when using a conventional telephone is rarely looked at the screen, and used it only to talk, but now a person spends at least two hours a day staring at the screen of the gadget, and examining what it says. From this, the assurances of scientists, the myopia begins. And the more time people spend in front of the monitor, the greater the myopia begins progressirovat.
Such concerns voiced British professor ophthalmologist Allambim David (David Allambim). We are talking about the health of modern British school children and young people who are the owners of advanced smartphones in the UK. The study showed that often the user holds the gadget is 30 cm away from your face, and some even at 18 cm from the eye. At the same time, ordinary paper or a book, these same people hold an average of 40 cm from the glaz.
All this may inevitably lead to myopia that will occur as early as 20 years. This process is called epigenetics ophthalmologists or epidemic screen myopia. All people need to be very attentive to their health, or to have in 2033, when the current young generation will grow in the UK about 50% of the adult population will suffer from blizorukosti.
It should be noted, according to the smartphone has today every second Briton, and two hours a day he looks at his screen, almost without stopping. If you add up this time with the hours that are spent on TV screens and computers, you can imagine what our eyes are exposed to stress. This is especially dangerous for children who run the risk of permanently damaging vision. Adults who have purchased for his child an advanced modern smartphone should conduct explanatory conversation with him. Suppose that at least the child knows about this threat.
Source: informing.ru/2013/08/19/uchenye-chastoe-ispolzovanie-smartfonov-mozhet-privesti-k-blizorukosti.html