Implausible iPhones

While the world discusses whether the iPhone called fiscal budget, and what the new Crocs fit the panels in the hole, we looked back and remembered the most incredible "zakos" under the iPhone. From daring concepts and ending with "Rashn" -version. 1. The official prototype of the first iPhone.

In the patent war Apple vs Samsung the world finally learned how to look first prototype iPhone. It turned out that the "apple" device could be rectangular. It happened in fact, now would for the originality of the appearance of Apple had to argue with the "lyumiyami» Nokia. And Samsung rap. 2. Counterfeit iPhone 3G

Once iPhones have become popular, the Chinese comrades have launched a conveyor, from which came out a fake varying degrees of similarity to the original. One batch of counterfeit iPhone 3G reached Russia. That's really been fun! Chief laugh that when the addition to the coveted "bull's-eye" on the screen does not appear. Even for the flashlight does not get away. 3. iPhone-babushkofon.

In China itself otkusannogo apple logo began to appear almost on every surface. Plus ten points to karma, and five yuan to the price. 4. iPhone-raskladushka.

Who's there waiting furore and innovation from Apple? You get to sign it. Oh, if lawyers from Cupertino appealed to the court for every illegal use of the logo, they probably would have had to move to China. 5. The concept of budget afyona.

In anticipation of the "iPhone for the poor" designers, IT-journalists and concerned citizens expressed their assumptions Internet. Especially skillful even showed. Designer Dallas Bradshaw made his iPhone mini. As a source of inspiration Bradshaw took the player iPod nano, that, in general, and it is visible. Miniayfonu relied 3, 5-inch screen. In comments to the work of someone rightly pointed out that "the Lumia 800 is turned to ayfonovskoy button." 6. Concept for pyatogo.

One of the most improbable ideas suggested Antonio de Rosa studio ARD Studio. Futuristic got the iPhone 5 4 6-inch display. But it looks as if the rink passed on it. 7. Rashn-edishn.

Russian brand Highscreen released another smartphone on Android. It would have lived his life a model if creators do not reward her painfully familiar appearance iPhone 5. And now Highscreen Alpha Ice in this list. In general, a smartphone, in addition to design, nothing to do with an iPhone does not have. Yes, the same thin (7, 5 mm), but the screen is great - 4, 7 inches. Alpha Ice works on quad-core processor and supports two SIM-cards. Such is the "Rashn-edishn." 8. The Sixth on starte.

Not yet had time to cool down debate on a new version of the iPhone, as the designers have begun to practice the originality and littered the internet prototypes sixth advent of the smartphone from Apple. Ciccarese Design Studio drew iPhone 6 with a curved screen, which, according to the authors, makes the interaction with the phone more convenient. And in fact - like soap or, at best, in the mouse from the Mac.
Source: mirfactov.com/