Chinese doctors

Chinese physicians completing preparations for the operation of "transplant" nose. 22-year-old the Chinese surgeons to "grow" the replacement of the affected nose right on lbu.

In an operation to transfer authority to the forehead doctors decided after them in a serious condition the patient is enrolled. In August last year, 22-year-old Chinese man had an accident, got a strong nose injury, but apparently did not attach any importance to this. As a result, when he found himself in a hospital bed, the surgeons noted - septic infection of the nose cartilage is no longer possible to cure. Then the doctors decided to transplant the nose on the forehead of the patient, the operation took a long time, in several stages. It clarifies that a new nose on the forehead caught the Chinese - surgeons are planning to transplant tissue in the body.
Source: www.ridus.ru/news/110219/