Tired of the pain

men had cut his own leg, using a rusty hacksaw and a small knife for fruit, because he could not afford an operation in bolnitse.Chitaya this terrible story, I understand that we not all so bad ...

47-year-old Zheng Yaanlin (Zheng Yanliang) from the city of Baoding, China, began to experience pain in the legs when walking. They first appeared at the inhabitant of the province of Hefei in January of 2012. After he went to the hospital, doctors diagnosed him with a massive arterial thrombosis in both legs. Angiogram made to amputation showed that all the arteries in his right leg broken. Yanlingu Doctors said he had a very rare disease that is extremely rare, and that he is unlikely to live for more than three mesyatsev.

After a while the pain intensified Zheng. In just a few months, they have become so painful that the man started shouting at night, preventing sleep neighbors. When the pain became unbearable, the man decided to terrible surgery to remove the lower konechnosti.Iz worry due to the fact that the man is very poor and can not pay for the operation, he decided not to go to the hospital and spend the amputation of their own. One night after his wife went to bed, Yaanlin took a fruit knife, hacksaw, a towel is wrapped in a stick, and proceeded to the amputation of his legs. After about half an hour, his wife woke up and found her husband had to cut off the right leg.

The man sawed off his right leg about 15 inches from the hip. Cloth hacksaw, which he used, broken during the amputation of excessive pressure. A man so much clenched teeth stick which stuck in his mouth, which his wife found another table and 4 teeth that have fallen during the operation.
Fortunately, due to thrombosis in the leg arteries are clogged, and the man did not threaten a great loss of blood. Despite the amputation, which could put an end to pain in his right leg, the left leg of his condition worsened, and he again began to experience excruciating pain.
Source: mirfactov.com/