Rains of diamonds

According to estimates by American scientists on Saturn and Jupiter can go a barrage of huge diamonds. Under the new atmospheric data of gas giants, carbon in its crystalline form - are not uncommon on these planets. Moreover, Jupiter and Saturn contain large amounts of veschestva.

Lightning convert methane to carbon, which hardens during the fall, turning over 1600 km into blocks of graphite (like the one that we use in pencils), and after a further 6,000 km, these blocks become diamonds. Recent continue to fall a further 30 000 km. After all, diamonds reach such a depth that the high temperature of the hot cores of planets just melt them and possibly (though it still can not claim) creates a sea of liquid carbon, reported at the conference uchenye.

The largest diamonds have a diameter of about 1 cm, said Dr. Kevin Baines (Dr Kevin Baines) from the University of Wisconsin-Madison (University of Wisconsin-Madison) and the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory (Nasa's Jet Propulsion Laboratory). 1 year on Saturn are more than 1 000 tons almazov.

Together with his co-Delintski Mona (Mona Delitsky) Baines unveiled not yet published findings on the annual meeting of the Division of the American Astronomical Society in the field of planetary sciences in Denver, Colorado.
Source: www.infoniac.ru/news/Na-Saturne-i-Yupitere-idut-dozhdi-iz-almazov.html