Computer powered by blood

machine that can accurately simulate the human brain, is the Holy Grail of science. According to IBM, she was able to make another step towards that goal by creating a computer that uses an "electronic blood." This technology is used as a fuel and for cooling the computer at the same time, a similar function, which performs the blood in the brain. According to the BBC, the system has been demonstrated in the IBM laboratory in Zurich last week.

"We have to make supercomputers, which will be 10 thousand times more energy efficient - IBM scientists said Dr. Bruno Michel. - Create a system with liquid cooling and power networks, we are in IBM Research, made the first steps towards a bionic computers of tomorrow. " The brain consumes the same amount of energy as a 20 watt light bulb, and occupies a volume of a two-liter bottle. It is about 10 thousand times more effective than any modern computer. The thing is that it uses only a very efficient network of capillaries and blood vessels for the transport of heat and energy. About 40% of its volume is used to support the functionality, and only 10% - for energy supply and cooling.

Computer, meanwhile, uses 99% of the cooling and power, and only one percent for processing information. By 2060, the ninth year, IBM plans to create a desktop computer, the performance of which will exceed the performance of petaflop, which now takes up half of a football field. System IBM, known as "redox flow" moves electrolytes "blood", which provides energy and heat dissipation. "It is noteworthy that the liquid cooling system, which not only keeps the chips in the range of operating temperatures, but also provides the necessary power, similar to the human circulatory system, which transfers heat and power", - the report says.

According to journalist portal Cnet Stephen Shankland, two types of fluid and electrolytes, all of which will have the opposite polarity will circulate through the power distribution system. Electrolytes will travel through the tubes, which will become thinner and thinner. Their minimum thickness does not exceed the thickness of a human hair, which means that they can be used where it is impossible to use a conventional electrical wire. According to Mail Online, the work is part of a project to develop a computer that can simulate the human brain.
Source: fedpost.ru/sobytiya/43996-ibm-sozdala-kompyuter-pitayushhijsya-ot-krovi.html