Landscapes of the products (17 photos)
"Rivers of Milk and milk and honey" in a surreal picture of meal Charles Uornenra artist and photographer Carl Warner began his career, having worked for many years in the advertising industry. Once he wandered into the market in search of inspiration and saw portobello mushrooms, which reminded him of trees alien world. They became the basis for his first job in photography and food polozhilili a new direction in his career. Photos Warner gained media attention worldwide.
Journalists began to interview him, there have been several books with his work. This project also allowed Warner to start work on other large-scale projects (for example, over the «foodscape» - corporal landscape). We represent your attention a small collection of the most beloved Warner landscapes.
Cucumber bridge
Sweet house
Cheese oasis
Cheesy Volcano
Chocolate Express
Seascape salad
Island celery
Cheese landscape
Meat plant
Salmon sea
House of Stilton
Pepper kayak
Bread Village
Source: twistedsifter.com

Journalists began to interview him, there have been several books with his work. This project also allowed Warner to start work on other large-scale projects (for example, over the «foodscape» - corporal landscape). We represent your attention a small collection of the most beloved Warner landscapes.

Cucumber bridge

Sweet house

Cheese oasis

Cheesy Volcano

Chocolate Express

Seascape salad

Island celery

Cheese landscape

Meat plant

Salmon sea

House of Stilton

Pepper kayak

Bread Village

Source: twistedsifter.com