School rules in 1872
After viewing these school rules in a typical school of 1872, you will realize that the current penalty to get out of the office or on duty all week it flowers ... the guilty and the number of strokes of the cane 1. Boys and girls play together - 4 2. The fight at school - 5 3. The quarrel at school - 5 4. Gambling or betting at school - 4 5. Playing Cards at school - 10 6. Zalezanie a tree three feet above (for each foot) - 1 7. Over lies - lies 7 8. For outside of school - 8 9. The name-calling each other nicknames - 3 10. During the swearing in school - 8 11. The harassment of girls - 10 12. raspivanie alcoholic beverages at school - 8 13. During the construction of the swing and swing on them - 7 14. For growing a long nails - 2 15. improper behavior on the road - 4 16. During the trip to the place where the girls played - 3 17. The same applies to girls who come to the place where the boys are playing - 3 18. Parish to school with dirty face and dirty hands - 2 19. naming another liar - 4 20. During the fighting at school - 4 21. During pouring water during the game - 2 22. During the shuffling of feet in the school - 4 23. During the next game the mill and stream - 6 24. During the game near the stables or in any dangerous place - 7
Source: mi3ch.livejournal.com

Source: mi3ch.livejournal.com