Izofiya Crimean (8 photos)
Izofiya Crimean - a polyphagous pest that has spread to the southern coast of Crimea. His favorite delicacy are the various agricultural and ornamental plants, most often it harms of tobacco and grapes. But despite its harmfulness and voracity he is very handsome. In general, the world's 14 species izofy, Crimean but the most beautiful of them. Others have much more faded livery. It is endemic, found only the Crimea (which, in general, and incorporated in the title of the form). It inhabits the southern part of the peninsula, occurring mainly in the mountainous areas and slopes covered with shrubs. It has a rather large and thick body - up to 3, 5 centimeters in length and belongs to the wingless grasshoppers.
Since izofiya wingless grasshopper, it can not massively and actively move from one place to another. This has both pluses and minuses. On the one hand, it does not fly like locusts in some point in the vineyard and not overeat it. On the other hand, if she had crawled to him, it will not get anywhere fast. After all, she was not able to fly) So will enjoy the endless buffet at the site.
Handsome is he handsome, but so loves is always something to eat (otherwise you will not tell), which has become a real threat. He's like a bodybuilder pumped - absolutely can not live without food. Therefore forced to have everything that creeps past, moving from point A to point B in search of the same food. More in this life izofiyu not interested in anything. In the photo she eats Chatyrdagskaya flower roses. It will not be about a minute and a half. But if next there is not one, so that the animal will not stay hungry for the next half hour ... If these grasshoppers are near or tobacco planting grapes - they are able to inflict serious damage by eating huge masses of leaves
Since izofiya wingless grasshopper, it can not massively and actively move from one place to another. This has both pluses and minuses. On the one hand, it does not fly like locusts in some point in the vineyard and not overeat it. On the other hand, if she had crawled to him, it will not get anywhere fast. After all, she was not able to fly) So will enjoy the endless buffet at the site.
Location does not look - everywhere is beautiful even with a w ...
Eternally hungry tummy and a curious look.
Izofii ovipositor can reach almost half the length of the body. Female lays eggs in the soil of 5-10 pieces around May-June. The larvae are born in early March, and by mid-March, is already fully grown specimen
In the world of 14 species izofy, some of which are found in the Crimea, for example, steppe, Kherson and Donetsk ... All the same voracious and useless ...
Source: aquatek-filips.livejournal.com

Since izofiya wingless grasshopper, it can not massively and actively move from one place to another. This has both pluses and minuses. On the one hand, it does not fly like locusts in some point in the vineyard and not overeat it. On the other hand, if she had crawled to him, it will not get anywhere fast. After all, she was not able to fly) So will enjoy the endless buffet at the site.

Handsome is he handsome, but so loves is always something to eat (otherwise you will not tell), which has become a real threat. He's like a bodybuilder pumped - absolutely can not live without food. Therefore forced to have everything that creeps past, moving from point A to point B in search of the same food. More in this life izofiyu not interested in anything. In the photo she eats Chatyrdagskaya flower roses. It will not be about a minute and a half. But if next there is not one, so that the animal will not stay hungry for the next half hour ... If these grasshoppers are near or tobacco planting grapes - they are able to inflict serious damage by eating huge masses of leaves

Since izofiya wingless grasshopper, it can not massively and actively move from one place to another. This has both pluses and minuses. On the one hand, it does not fly like locusts in some point in the vineyard and not overeat it. On the other hand, if she had crawled to him, it will not get anywhere fast. After all, she was not able to fly) So will enjoy the endless buffet at the site.

Location does not look - everywhere is beautiful even with a w ...

Eternally hungry tummy and a curious look.

Izofii ovipositor can reach almost half the length of the body. Female lays eggs in the soil of 5-10 pieces around May-June. The larvae are born in early March, and by mid-March, is already fully grown specimen

In the world of 14 species izofy, some of which are found in the Crimea, for example, steppe, Kherson and Donetsk ... All the same voracious and useless ...

Source: aquatek-filips.livejournal.com