The dove is a symbol of peace and was captured as a monument in 33 cities around the world.

There are approximately 300 species of pigeons. These birds live in all parts of the world other than extremely cold regions, but most species live in tropical climates.
Amazingly pigeons is a vision. He was not able to blind the sun. Even when a number flashes "Lightning" arc welder, a bird easy to find small grain between stones. Even laser flashes will not damage the retina of the eye pigeon, not to mention the direct sun luchah.Takuyu feature blue eyes gives a kind of wave connective tissue, which is able to change the density, - or be transparent or dark, without missing beams.
Sometimes the pigeons reveal a tendency to ... "lesbiysskoy love." Externally sex of these birds is not easy to define, so the owner can not immediately recognize the so-called erroneous pair created two females. Pigeons believable playing
their roles, mate, and even build a nest. And to give such a "pink" little family can the number of eggs in a nest - 4 instead of two.
In the XI-XIII centuries pigeon was worth as much as a thoroughbred Arabian stallion. A Ancient Babylon was a city pigeons.
The most expensive was a bird pigeon Peter Paul, sold for 41,000 pounds in 1986.
Record long distance racing pigeon that flew during his competitions in 1990-1997 is 41 050 km and belongs to the Belle Brazil - blue pigeon, the owner of which is the Robert Koch (South Africa).
Racing pigeon beats Swift - champion in speed flight. Record dove - 1, 58 km in a minute ...