Unique Chess
To create a field for the game of kings with royal scale took four years of work, 2 liters of glue and about 16,000 matches!
What You did not know about chess
Unique footage of deep-sea creatures (24 photos)
These different ... Chess! (10 pieces)
10 things about chess that you did not know
Chess wonder from time immemorial
Chess helps even those who are not able to play them
Playing god at how AI has learned to win human
Games of fiction
Your life - it's Tetris. Do not try to play chess
20 false Islamic inventions
Information — a fundamental concept of the universe
Man Chess
Chess soul. How to change EVERYTHING in your life?
Other chess
The theory of information transmission from the future himself
Anatoly Wasserman
Who is Garry Kasparov and why he advised the series about the American orphan
Our universe is a hologram
James Glick about how the Internet drives us crazy and what to do with it
Why physicists can't stand the information paradox of black holes?
What the Bible says about quantum cosmology
Energy-informational structure of man
World-simulation: do we really live in a virtual universe?
Hawking believes that solved the information paradox of black holes
What You did not know about chess
Unique footage of deep-sea creatures (24 photos)
These different ... Chess! (10 pieces)
10 things about chess that you did not know
Chess wonder from time immemorial
Chess helps even those who are not able to play them
Playing god at how AI has learned to win human
Games of fiction
Your life - it's Tetris. Do not try to play chess
20 false Islamic inventions
Information — a fundamental concept of the universe
Man Chess
Chess soul. How to change EVERYTHING in your life?
Other chess
The theory of information transmission from the future himself
Anatoly Wasserman
Who is Garry Kasparov and why he advised the series about the American orphan
Our universe is a hologram
James Glick about how the Internet drives us crazy and what to do with it
Why physicists can't stand the information paradox of black holes?
What the Bible says about quantum cosmology
Energy-informational structure of man
World-simulation: do we really live in a virtual universe?
Hawking believes that solved the information paradox of black holes
Google 15 years
The animal market in China