Without which the aircraft will not budge
What we expect to see at the air show? I think most will answer: "Samples of technology - airplanes, helicopters - and how this technique works, then there is a summer view with aerobatics." Well, it is true, however, aviation is a very complex in its structure industry. It centers around a lot of diverse industries. Here and metallurgy, and motor and electronics, and optics, and even IT. In this post I want to talk a little bit just about electronics, without which no modern aircraft will not budge, not to mention the fact that the rise in the air.
Perhaps, on-board electronics does not look as impressive as the show "Swifts", but everything is relative. At the International Aviation and Space Salon MAKS 2013 Concern "Radio-electronic technology" (KRET) Rostec State Corporation, develops and manufactures electronic warfare and state recognition as well as avionics (avionics) for military and civil aircraft, presented samples of their products, and not simply presented, and erected for this purpose a huge high-tech and incredibly fascinating exhibition hall with a total area of 1,500 square meters.
Here, all subsidiaries of the group were able to share their work.
Moscow Institute of Electromechanics and Automation introduced advanced Strapdown Inertial Navigation Systems SINS-SP-2, which is installed on fighters such as the T-50 and Su-35. This equipment is capable of off-line in the absence of external signals to determine the position and motion parameters of the aircraft, which is installed and running at very high and very low temperatures from minus 60 to plus 60 degrees at an altitude of 25 kilometers.
And since we are talking about ultra-modern fighter jets, it is impossible not to mention the weapons control system 35-P Kursk plant "Device", which is able to capture and maintain the target, as well as an integrated system and radar control KSU-35 Moscow Research and Production Complex " Avionics and "them. OV Assumption. Mentioned equipment are equipped with the Su-35, and the samples were exposed to it on the stands of the pavilion. In addition, the exhibition shows a number of devices for multipurpose fighter of the fifth generation PAK FA (T-50), as it receives and converts analog and digital information hub unit signals BCS-50, the unit of measurement of low velocities SIMS-50 and light-signaling system SSS- 50.
"Corporation" Fazotron-NIIR "presented airborne radar" Zhuk-AE ", which enables simultaneously track a large number of targets. These devices are equipped with MiG-35. Furthermore Corporation showed radar system "Crossbow" for the Ka-52, capable of almost any weather to detect the enemy to use weapons and to stay on course.
Saratov Industrial Automation Design Bureau (KBPA) exposed at MAKS complex aerobatic helicopters PCI-8 to help the pilot with manual, automatic, director and combined way of piloting. PCI-8 put on multipurpose helicopters Mi-8/17.
Separate stand in Hall KRET devoted to modern aircraft radars. Concern also has been demonstrated ground, air and marine samples highly intelligent, efficient systems and electronic warfare.
KRET even put the current helicopter simulator developed UKBP and the Center for Scientific and Technical Services "Dynamics" and the layout of the cockpit demonstrator modified multipurpose amphibious aircraft Be-200ES, created by the Research Institute of "Aircraft Equipment". These high-tech facilities in the exhibition became very informative attractions.
KRET Pavilion has become a place where they were signed is very important for our aviation industry agreement. For example, Concern "Radio-electronic technology" and "Russian Helicopters" signed a general agreement on cooperation in the development, delivery and after-sales service of helicopters. This is a big step in the direction of increasing competitiveness in the international market.
In addition KRETom agreement was signed with the Government of the Ulyanovsk region. Under the terms of this document will concern the further development within its structure the enterprises of the Ulyanovsk region, in particular UKPB, Ulyanovsk center of microelectronics and automation company "cliff" that produces avionics and medical equipment. KRET going to attract the investment necessary for the implementation of projects and programs of local businesses, improve their organization and competitiveness of their products.
In addition, as part of the MAKS-2013 "Radio-electronic technology" and "United Aircraft Corporation" (UAC) have agreed to a new level cooperation to supply avionics (avionics). KRET will establish a system of centralized supply and after-sales service equipment interfacing with the relevant operational centers KLA. This agreement provides for liability KRET for the entire life cycle of delivered to aircraft avionics KLA from the development of the conceptual layout to after-sales and servicing of finished products.
Here is a journey into the world of aviation electronics.
Source: denis-balin.livejournal.com

Perhaps, on-board electronics does not look as impressive as the show "Swifts", but everything is relative. At the International Aviation and Space Salon MAKS 2013 Concern "Radio-electronic technology" (KRET) Rostec State Corporation, develops and manufactures electronic warfare and state recognition as well as avionics (avionics) for military and civil aircraft, presented samples of their products, and not simply presented, and erected for this purpose a huge high-tech and incredibly fascinating exhibition hall with a total area of 1,500 square meters.
Here, all subsidiaries of the group were able to share their work.

Moscow Institute of Electromechanics and Automation introduced advanced Strapdown Inertial Navigation Systems SINS-SP-2, which is installed on fighters such as the T-50 and Su-35. This equipment is capable of off-line in the absence of external signals to determine the position and motion parameters of the aircraft, which is installed and running at very high and very low temperatures from minus 60 to plus 60 degrees at an altitude of 25 kilometers.

And since we are talking about ultra-modern fighter jets, it is impossible not to mention the weapons control system 35-P Kursk plant "Device", which is able to capture and maintain the target, as well as an integrated system and radar control KSU-35 Moscow Research and Production Complex " Avionics and "them. OV Assumption. Mentioned equipment are equipped with the Su-35, and the samples were exposed to it on the stands of the pavilion. In addition, the exhibition shows a number of devices for multipurpose fighter of the fifth generation PAK FA (T-50), as it receives and converts analog and digital information hub unit signals BCS-50, the unit of measurement of low velocities SIMS-50 and light-signaling system SSS- 50.

"Corporation" Fazotron-NIIR "presented airborne radar" Zhuk-AE ", which enables simultaneously track a large number of targets. These devices are equipped with MiG-35. Furthermore Corporation showed radar system "Crossbow" for the Ka-52, capable of almost any weather to detect the enemy to use weapons and to stay on course.

Saratov Industrial Automation Design Bureau (KBPA) exposed at MAKS complex aerobatic helicopters PCI-8 to help the pilot with manual, automatic, director and combined way of piloting. PCI-8 put on multipurpose helicopters Mi-8/17.

Separate stand in Hall KRET devoted to modern aircraft radars. Concern also has been demonstrated ground, air and marine samples highly intelligent, efficient systems and electronic warfare.

KRET even put the current helicopter simulator developed UKBP and the Center for Scientific and Technical Services "Dynamics" and the layout of the cockpit demonstrator modified multipurpose amphibious aircraft Be-200ES, created by the Research Institute of "Aircraft Equipment". These high-tech facilities in the exhibition became very informative attractions.

KRET Pavilion has become a place where they were signed is very important for our aviation industry agreement. For example, Concern "Radio-electronic technology" and "Russian Helicopters" signed a general agreement on cooperation in the development, delivery and after-sales service of helicopters. This is a big step in the direction of increasing competitiveness in the international market.

In addition KRETom agreement was signed with the Government of the Ulyanovsk region. Under the terms of this document will concern the further development within its structure the enterprises of the Ulyanovsk region, in particular UKPB, Ulyanovsk center of microelectronics and automation company "cliff" that produces avionics and medical equipment. KRET going to attract the investment necessary for the implementation of projects and programs of local businesses, improve their organization and competitiveness of their products.

In addition, as part of the MAKS-2013 "Radio-electronic technology" and "United Aircraft Corporation" (UAC) have agreed to a new level cooperation to supply avionics (avionics). KRET will establish a system of centralized supply and after-sales service equipment interfacing with the relevant operational centers KLA. This agreement provides for liability KRET for the entire life cycle of delivered to aircraft avionics KLA from the development of the conceptual layout to after-sales and servicing of finished products.

Here is a journey into the world of aviation electronics.
Source: denis-balin.livejournal.com