Unusual wall on the facade of a house in Barcelona
This structure is located in one of the new areas of Barcelona, called «Rambla Brasil».
The wall is made of natural wood, and allows you to "breathe" building, at the same time as a kind termobuferom in the heat and cold. In addition to functionality, the wall has also aesthetic properties. See how the wall harmoniously blended into the surroundings of the quarter. The author of the project is the Spanish architect David Bravo Salva (David Bravo Salva). According to the architect, such details should be as familiar as benches, fountains, trees and lights. In this particular case, the wall is now a separate plane and merges its greyness with the gray sidewalk.
The wall is made of natural wood, and allows you to "breathe" building, at the same time as a kind termobuferom in the heat and cold. In addition to functionality, the wall has also aesthetic properties. See how the wall harmoniously blended into the surroundings of the quarter. The author of the project is the Spanish architect David Bravo Salva (David Bravo Salva). According to the architect, such details should be as familiar as benches, fountains, trees and lights. In this particular case, the wall is now a separate plane and merges its greyness with the gray sidewalk.