Photo project "Intolerable Beauty»
American photographer Chris Jordan (Chris Jordan) was the author of a series of photographs showing how humanity is mired in its own garbage. The second title of the series - "Portraits of American mass consumption».
Regularly confronted with the results of human consumption of huge amounts of food production, Chris Jordan (Chris Jordan) has decided to focus on the huge arrays of untreated waste and all kinds of containers, which can be seen in the ports, landfills and other such places. Photographer considers the emergence of more and more waste, a kind of slow apocalypse, and it is impossible to disagree. After litter absolutely everything at the same time no one in particular is not responsible for what happens. The problem is just a kind of anonymity and the absence of collective and public otvestsvennosti.
Photo by Chris Jordan
Regularly confronted with the results of human consumption of huge amounts of food production, Chris Jordan (Chris Jordan) has decided to focus on the huge arrays of untreated waste and all kinds of containers, which can be seen in the ports, landfills and other such places. Photographer considers the emergence of more and more waste, a kind of slow apocalypse, and it is impossible to disagree. After litter absolutely everything at the same time no one in particular is not responsible for what happens. The problem is just a kind of anonymity and the absence of collective and public otvestsvennosti.

Photo by Chris Jordan