Paper stained Eric Standley (Eric Standley)
American artist Eric Standley (Eric Standley) carefully cuts the whole arrays of thin sheets of paper, in order to create their incredible sculptural creations that are very similar to all the familiar stained glass.
Every square inch of his multilayered works meticulously carved to perfection, creating as a result of the incredible complexity of the structure. The end result is a stunning three-dimensional madness of colors and patterns. Patience and diligence Eric Standley (Eric Standley) really deserve respect, not to mention the works themselves. In his work, the author is inspired by the heritage of Islamic and Greek cultures, as well as lines and images of traditional Gothic style.
Every square inch of his multilayered works meticulously carved to perfection, creating as a result of the incredible complexity of the structure. The end result is a stunning three-dimensional madness of colors and patterns. Patience and diligence Eric Standley (Eric Standley) really deserve respect, not to mention the works themselves. In his work, the author is inspired by the heritage of Islamic and Greek cultures, as well as lines and images of traditional Gothic style.