Born in shirts
There are people just lucky. There are very lucky. And there are - born under a lucky star. Sometimes it seems that such and kill something impossible. Waste of time and effort. Ten cases of "miraculous salvation».
1. Beer belly armor as
For Snaza Martin quarrel with noisy company at the bar ended in tragedy: one of the opponents attacked Martin with a knife and struck him a blow in the abdomen. The victim did not differ large physique, but had a pronounced beer belly, which was later declared doctors, served as master good defense - a thick layer of fat did not let the blade touch the vital organs. After spending three days in the hospital, Martin quickly went on the mend.
2. Hypothermia or money?
German tourist Dominique Podolski long remember their holiday in the Austrian Alps - he had to spend several hours at a temperature of about -18 ° C. Hapless snowboarder was on the ski lift, when he had already been officially closed and made the last lap without passengers. Stuck between stations, a man for a long time tried to call for help, but to no avail, including the fact that he did not have a mobile phone.
The ability to jump from the lift Podolski not relish: he was not sure of the successful landing, because the distance to the slope was about 10 m. In the hope of warm Dominique started to breed a small fire, first in the course went to a handkerchief and then "fuel" served restaurant bills, credit cards and even bank notes.
Finally, the last light of guttering in denominations of € 20, noticed a passing man on a snowmobile, and the victim was given qualified assistance.
Later, the German tried to start a travel agency in litigation, but it was proved that he had violated the rules of use of the cable lift and, therefore, his claim was considered unfounded.
3. Bulletproof breast
Determined to find out the relationship with a former lover, Canadian Eileen Likness no idea what will turn it to "debriefing" - as a last argument admirer pulled out a gun and made a few shots almost at point blank range. After providing the necessary assistance to the doctors told Eileen that she owes the life of breast implants, which did not allow bullets to penetrate deeply into the chest.
Silicone "vest" beyond repair and had to be removed, but the Canadian said that once again increased the breast immediately after recovery.
4. A man on a spit
Manhattan party has always been famous for a special atmosphere, but the guest of one of them, Nicholas Blossom, at some point it was not fun to: visitor fell from the third floor of a crowded building, please head directly to the iron rod fence.
Pointed rod so deeply embedded in the skull that arrived on the scene, rescuers did not dare to remove it. Together with a piece of the rod in the head of the victim was taken to the emergency room, where doctors managed to safely get rid of Nicholas deadly "thorn».
Typically, these brain injuries are fraught with irreversible consequences, but to everyone's surprise, blossom fully recovered soon.
5. Nail in the heart
Argentinian carpenter was completely absorbed in the work, when a colleague accidentally shot him in the chest of gvozdomёta. Nail sat down right in the heart, and surgeons had a few hours to fight for the life of the Argentine hard workers. The victim is saved by the fact that the nail, hit the chest, worked as a stopper, preventing the carpenter died from loss of blood.
After the complex operation chief physician, told reporters that such cases in the world were only three and a carpenter to nail in the heart of the fourth proved to be survivors of this incident.
6. The steel rod in the brain
Brazilian construction worker Eduardo Leite, working on one of the objects, bent over the instrument when his head hit a steel core thickness of two cm - twig struck his helmet and skull bones, and went right between the eyes.
When Leite was taken to hospital, he remained absolutely clear conscience, he told the doctors about the incident and assured that does not feel any pain. During the five-hour operation rod is removed, with doctors later they claimed that Hit the rod a few centimeters away - and Eduardo could lose the eye or remain paralyzed. Fortunately, nothing happened.
7. Snow Trap
Blizzard almost became a tomb for a Swedish motorist: a man for about two months spent inside the car without food. When he found 44-year-old Swede was lying wrapped in a sleeping bag, and weakness could barely speak. To avoid death from dehydration, he managed, by eating snow, in addition, examine it, doctors have noted that the man actually "went into hibernation" like bears - physiological processes frozen and body temperature dropped to 31 ° C, which helped to minimize the power consumption of the body.
8. Snake den
16-year-old Faith has managed to fall into a nest of rattlesnakes, as she walked around the house of his uncle. Of course, an unexpected visit reptiles angry: she was attacked by one adult and five small cubs, and then spent four days in hospital.
You could say it was lucky, because it was difficult to even count the number of agent who is in the blood, because snakes can control the amount of venom injected. It is known that for the full recovery of the Faith took 24 vials of antidote.
9. Blinder ex-wife
Robert Hall quietly drinking in the company of his ex-wife, her brother and one of his friends when the trio suddenly decided to deal harshly with him. A few strokes pistol seemed insufficient to them: Holly tied to the truck and trailer. Robert dragged for about a kilometer, the attackers untied him and threw him in the back, discussing where to bury the body unnoticed.
Hearing the conversation, Hall, apparently felt a powerful craving for life because, despite numerous severe injuries, he managed to escape from the ex-wife and her armed cronies. Later, the trio failed assassins brought before the stern face of the law, and Robert had recovered from his wounds.
10. Cobra Bite
Nepali farmer Mohammed Salmodin work for the benefit of their own rice fields 200 km from Kathmandu, when his hand gripped king cobra - one of the most poisonous snakes in the world. The amounts of venom in a single bite of it is enough to send to the light up to 20 people, as the venom contains a powerful neurotoxin.
In such cases, it relies rather run to the hospital (death can occur within 15-20 minutes), but the enraged snake bit the farmer, in response, from which she died immediately. Friends and family advised Salmodinu visit the hospital, which he did, but no ailments he was found.
Later, Mohammed said that one friend snake charmer in such cases advised to "return" a bite to avoid trouble. As can be seen, the method really works.

1. Beer belly armor as
For Snaza Martin quarrel with noisy company at the bar ended in tragedy: one of the opponents attacked Martin with a knife and struck him a blow in the abdomen. The victim did not differ large physique, but had a pronounced beer belly, which was later declared doctors, served as master good defense - a thick layer of fat did not let the blade touch the vital organs. After spending three days in the hospital, Martin quickly went on the mend.

2. Hypothermia or money?
German tourist Dominique Podolski long remember their holiday in the Austrian Alps - he had to spend several hours at a temperature of about -18 ° C. Hapless snowboarder was on the ski lift, when he had already been officially closed and made the last lap without passengers. Stuck between stations, a man for a long time tried to call for help, but to no avail, including the fact that he did not have a mobile phone.
The ability to jump from the lift Podolski not relish: he was not sure of the successful landing, because the distance to the slope was about 10 m. In the hope of warm Dominique started to breed a small fire, first in the course went to a handkerchief and then "fuel" served restaurant bills, credit cards and even bank notes.
Finally, the last light of guttering in denominations of € 20, noticed a passing man on a snowmobile, and the victim was given qualified assistance.
Later, the German tried to start a travel agency in litigation, but it was proved that he had violated the rules of use of the cable lift and, therefore, his claim was considered unfounded.

3. Bulletproof breast
Determined to find out the relationship with a former lover, Canadian Eileen Likness no idea what will turn it to "debriefing" - as a last argument admirer pulled out a gun and made a few shots almost at point blank range. After providing the necessary assistance to the doctors told Eileen that she owes the life of breast implants, which did not allow bullets to penetrate deeply into the chest.
Silicone "vest" beyond repair and had to be removed, but the Canadian said that once again increased the breast immediately after recovery.

4. A man on a spit
Manhattan party has always been famous for a special atmosphere, but the guest of one of them, Nicholas Blossom, at some point it was not fun to: visitor fell from the third floor of a crowded building, please head directly to the iron rod fence.
Pointed rod so deeply embedded in the skull that arrived on the scene, rescuers did not dare to remove it. Together with a piece of the rod in the head of the victim was taken to the emergency room, where doctors managed to safely get rid of Nicholas deadly "thorn».
Typically, these brain injuries are fraught with irreversible consequences, but to everyone's surprise, blossom fully recovered soon.

5. Nail in the heart
Argentinian carpenter was completely absorbed in the work, when a colleague accidentally shot him in the chest of gvozdomёta. Nail sat down right in the heart, and surgeons had a few hours to fight for the life of the Argentine hard workers. The victim is saved by the fact that the nail, hit the chest, worked as a stopper, preventing the carpenter died from loss of blood.
After the complex operation chief physician, told reporters that such cases in the world were only three and a carpenter to nail in the heart of the fourth proved to be survivors of this incident.

6. The steel rod in the brain
Brazilian construction worker Eduardo Leite, working on one of the objects, bent over the instrument when his head hit a steel core thickness of two cm - twig struck his helmet and skull bones, and went right between the eyes.
When Leite was taken to hospital, he remained absolutely clear conscience, he told the doctors about the incident and assured that does not feel any pain. During the five-hour operation rod is removed, with doctors later they claimed that Hit the rod a few centimeters away - and Eduardo could lose the eye or remain paralyzed. Fortunately, nothing happened.

7. Snow Trap
Blizzard almost became a tomb for a Swedish motorist: a man for about two months spent inside the car without food. When he found 44-year-old Swede was lying wrapped in a sleeping bag, and weakness could barely speak. To avoid death from dehydration, he managed, by eating snow, in addition, examine it, doctors have noted that the man actually "went into hibernation" like bears - physiological processes frozen and body temperature dropped to 31 ° C, which helped to minimize the power consumption of the body.

8. Snake den
16-year-old Faith has managed to fall into a nest of rattlesnakes, as she walked around the house of his uncle. Of course, an unexpected visit reptiles angry: she was attacked by one adult and five small cubs, and then spent four days in hospital.
You could say it was lucky, because it was difficult to even count the number of agent who is in the blood, because snakes can control the amount of venom injected. It is known that for the full recovery of the Faith took 24 vials of antidote.

9. Blinder ex-wife
Robert Hall quietly drinking in the company of his ex-wife, her brother and one of his friends when the trio suddenly decided to deal harshly with him. A few strokes pistol seemed insufficient to them: Holly tied to the truck and trailer. Robert dragged for about a kilometer, the attackers untied him and threw him in the back, discussing where to bury the body unnoticed.
Hearing the conversation, Hall, apparently felt a powerful craving for life because, despite numerous severe injuries, he managed to escape from the ex-wife and her armed cronies. Later, the trio failed assassins brought before the stern face of the law, and Robert had recovered from his wounds.

10. Cobra Bite
Nepali farmer Mohammed Salmodin work for the benefit of their own rice fields 200 km from Kathmandu, when his hand gripped king cobra - one of the most poisonous snakes in the world. The amounts of venom in a single bite of it is enough to send to the light up to 20 people, as the venom contains a powerful neurotoxin.
In such cases, it relies rather run to the hospital (death can occur within 15-20 minutes), but the enraged snake bit the farmer, in response, from which she died immediately. Friends and family advised Salmodinu visit the hospital, which he did, but no ailments he was found.
Later, Mohammed said that one friend snake charmer in such cases advised to "return" a bite to avoid trouble. As can be seen, the method really works.